Dill Pickles 1

It is ESSENTIAL that the would-be pickle-maker looks up the ins and outs of pickle-making, in a pickle cookbook, or reputable online cooking site. Detailed instructions for properly steriizing and sealing jars are not included in this recipe.

Really. No kidding.


Wash cucumbers thoroughly in cold water. You can even run them through the gentle cycle on your washing machine, if desired.

To crisp, leave overnight in a large bowl in the refrigerator, with plenty of ice.

Sterilize quart canning jars. In each jar place:
1/2 teaspoon pickling spice
1 large or two small grape leaves
sprig of fresh dill
2 cloves of garlic, cut in half longwise
optional: pinch of alum

Pack whole cucumbers into sterilized jars, standing them on end if large.

Make a boiling brine of:
1 gallon water
1 cup canning salt
1 cup cider vinegar

Pour the boiling brine over the cucumbers, seal, and process five minutes.



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This recipe was given to us some time in the early 1980's by John Moroz, who worked with Bill Harrison in Stockton, CA.