Hermion Fisher's Pan Gravy

This goes with Hermion Fisher's Fried Chicken recipe.

After the chicken is fried, removed from the skillet and put in the oven, pour most of the grease out of the skillet, leaving about 2 tablespoons or more in the pan. Add flour. I have no idea how much. I was just a kid when she made this. Gimme a break. (Probably one tablespoon of flour for each tablespoon of fat - at least that's what it says in the 1967 version of Joy of Cooking.) Anyway, stir flour into the drippings in the bottom of the pan. Heat until the flour mixture starts to bubble, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Remove from heat, keep stirring until it cools down a bit. Now, if you are doing this correctly, you will also have the potatoes boiling on the stove. Gradually add hot water from the potatoes into the skillet, stirring to make a thin paste. Then slowly stir in the milk that you soaked the chicken in, stirring so you don't get lumps. Heat to a boil.

When the chicken is cooked, and taken out of the pan it was in the oven, add a bit of hot water to the pan. With a fork, agitate loose any yummy pieces of crunchy goodness that have stuck to the pan, and stir into the gravy.

Season with plenty of black pepper. YUM!


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