Sweet Relish
It is ESSENTIAL that the would-be pickle-maker looks up the ins and outs of pickle-making, in a pickle cookbook, or reputable online cooking site. Detailed instructions for properly steriizing and sealing jars are not included in this recipe.
Really. No kidding.
You really don't want to poison yourself and your family, oh no you don't.
I mean, if they're dead they can't sue you, but think of the guilt.
You will need:
12 large cucumbers
4 large onions
4 green bell peppers
3 red bell peppers
4 cups sugar
1 tsp celery seed
4 tsp mustard seed
2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1 quart white vinegar
2 tablespoons salt
water, per below
EXPANDED (BIGGER BATCH) RECIPE, because obviously the other one didn't make enough of this yummy stuff.
You will need:
2O lbs large cucumbers
10-12 lbs large onions
46 bell peppers
1 gallon white vinegar
5 lbs sugar
1/2 box celery seed (yes, I know that's vague. Sorry. Completely my fault.)
1 box mustard seed (ditto)
3 tablespoons turmeric
3 tablespoons ground cloves
10 tablespoons salt
water, per below
Grind together the cucumbers, onions and peppers.
Add two quarts boiling water. (Add more for the expanded recipe, if needed.) Boil together for 5 minutes. Drain well.
Add remaining ingredients, boil for 5 minutes. Seal in pint jars.
I used to make this recipe regularly, so the weird directions for "one box of this and that" is completely my fault, and the result of living in a rural area where produce could be bought by the crate-ful. Or, blame it on the impetuosity of youth. Either works. Original source for this recipe is lost in the distant past.